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May 30, 2019

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June 7, 2019OOH Advertising is the next big thing
In today’s fragmented media environment, brands are constantly on the lookout for new and innovative ways to engage with their target group.
Despite being occupants of a digital era, online advertising is beginning to frustrate media buyers as ad blockers are in widespread use. Even if a user does not use ad blockers, it is difficult to stand out as they are bombarded with several marketing messages on a daily basis.
Thus, to overcome these problems, brands are resorting to OOH (Out-of-Home) advertising to instil a sense of trust among their target group. The latest buzzword ‘OOH’ refers to advertising that takes place when someone is outside of their home. Billboards, signage and branded paper cups are fitting examples of OOH media. They cannot be blocked or skipped.
If you’re looking to reach a mass audience, Outdoor advertising is the answer. Today, the medium is continuing to outperform as most people spend time outside their home.
Importance of Measuring Marketing Campaigns
Though out-of-home advertising has gained immense recognition in recent times, there are still few media buyers that are reluctant to leverage on the benefits of the channel. The main reason being that tracking OOH campaigns is seemingly difficult compared to direct mails and newspaper adverts. Thankfully, in recent times, the industry that has struggled to calculate impressions has come up with innovative strategies and tools.
Therefore, it’s safe to say that choosing an outdoor medium is not just powerful but measurable as well.
Be it any campaign, actively tracking and measuring various metrics is important if you want to hit a particular goal. If you do not continually evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign, the time and money spent on marketing may be wasted.

Strategies to track OOH Campaigns
The following advertising metrics will help you track the success of OOH campaigns and measure return on investment (ROI)
Location: The most crucial factor when executing an OOH campaign is choosing the ideal location. Your aim is to target a particular demographic, with the right message and facilitate a strong CTA. Once you have determined your target market, the next step would be to use locations where a maximum number of people from your TG resides.
Code specific campaigns: Another highly effective method to track OOH campaigns is by printing discount vouchers, coupon codes and QR codes on your OOH media. Based on the number of people who visited your site and used the code during checkout, you can determine the effectiveness of the campaign.
Before and after sales: A simple way to calculate the performance of an OOH campaign is by looking at the sales conversion before and after running the ad. If there’s been a significant improvement, your campaign may be working.
Keyword analytics: If your campaign is associated with a memorable tagline or slogan, chances are your audience will go back and type keywords into a search engine. If those key searches turn up in your analytics, it’s again proof of the efficacy of your campaign. Similarly, hashtag metrics is also an effective method.
While tracking OOH campaigns, it is important to familiarise yourself with these terms:
- · DEC: Daily Effective Circulation –number of vehicles and pedestrians that pass a billboard per day.
- · OTC: Opportunity to Contact –how many people could walk past and see your outdoor advert.
- · VAC: Visually Adjusted Contact –number of people who saw the advert during the outdoor campaign
Today, cup branding has emerged as an effective medium in the OOH space. The main reason being that it can effectively be tracked post the campaign. Contrary to oversized billboards, paper cup ads are small yet powerful.
After every coffee cup advertising campaign, the team at GingerCup captures on-site photographs, conducts surveys and feedback, and records vendor responses.

The Baahubali 2 marketing team used cup branding in their marketing mix before the release of the film. The pre-bookings recorded were pulse-raising as nearly 1 million tickets were sold online within 24 hours.
To know more, email contact@www.gingercup.com.