Corporate Branding in Hyderabad
Corporate Branding in Hyderabad is a practice of promoting the Brand name of a corporate entity, as opposed to a particular product or service. Branding of products and services is completely different from Corporate Branding. As the scope of Corporate Branding is much wider. Interaction between Corporate brands and other brands is known as the Corporate Brand Architecture. Corporate Branding is not restricted to a specific mark or name, it incorporates multiple touchpoints like logo, customer service, training the employees, Stationery, packing, Advertising and the Quality of product or service provided.
Corporate Branding guides the customers who relate to business and identifies the range of the products offered over time. Effective Corporate Branding reduces the need for large marketing initiatives for every new product because the customer is already aware of the product’s quality and its purpose. They have opinions about both company and products or services. The digital revolution and social media have created incredible corporate transparency. Different people like customers, communities, government, suppliers, partners, investors and employees have a clear vision of a corporation’s actual behaviour and performance. With the help of social media and various digital platforms, they can grow their profile, build a reputation and increase the value of the company.

Frequently Asked Questions
Corporate advertisement is the most effective and popular way to market the corporate entity. Corporate Advertisement stays up for a minimum of four weeks. The duration of the campaign can be modified as per the requirement and availability.
Corporate advertising is a paid communication tool to build brand image. Effective Corporate Branding reduces the need for large marketing initiatives for every new product because the customer is already aware of the product’s quality and its purpose.
The company that wants to create brand awareness needs to identify how they want to present its Brand, The Corporate Branding Agency will share information related to ads that will be displayed for example the images used, text messages in the advertisement, Placement of Advertisement, etc. through following platforms.
- E-Mail: The Corporate Branding Agency will share information related to ads that will be displayed in the advertisement, for example, the images used, text message in advertisement, Placement of Corporate etc through Email.
- Facebook: Facebook is a platform where information is displayed widely and users can get instant responses. The agency can communicate through Facebook to share details.
- WhatsApp: The Advertiser can monitor his Corporate advertising details such as Images taken for advertisement, Content written for advertising the Product or Brand, Area where the Corporate is placed Via WhatsApp which will be sent by the Corporate Branding Agency.
- Instagram: The Professional will choose social media platforms like Instagram to share the details of Corporate Branding which includes Images taken for advertisement, Content written for advertising the Product or Brand, Area where the Corporate is placed.
In Hyderabad, there are more than 1500 Companies with employment of 6,00,000 in the IT/ITES sector. Hyderabad generated revenues of ₹700,000 million and also contributes a third of the state's tax revenue. The economic pattern of Hyderabad changed from a primary service hub to a diversified spectrum with the growth of IT enterprises, biotech, insurance, financial, and institutional. A strong employment base in ancillary activities such as trading, commerce, transport, communication real-estate and retail hire employee three times more than the IT industries.
Corporate Advertising can be implemented in Hyderabad as the duration of Full-time working companies is 9 hours a day out of which usually one hour is considered as break time where employees can move away from their work station to relax and get some refreshment. So that employees can get back to work and give the best performance. Corporate Advertising promotes the Brand name of a corporate entity is different from product and service branding. The Advertisement is displayed in and around the office like Coffee mugs used in the office, Breakout areas where employees relax, and roll Banner stand at reception, at the entry and exit point of the company. Banners and posters are place in different places in the office where visibility is High.
To Expand businesses, the Advertiser looks for multiple opportunities to publish their brand to gain more visibility and create brand awareness among the people. Corporate Advertising Agency like Ginger Media Group provides other services like Bus Branding, Look Walkers, Malls/Cinemas, Cup Branding, Etc.
Spread the word about your brand with the help of Various forms of advertising that help your product or brand to grow. Build Trust among the audience and show your presence in the Market using various forms of Branding.
Corporate Branding Agency will help your company to organise your advertisement in a particular format and identify how successful it can be executed. The Agency will have A proper strategy to build your brand. Once the company decides upon how ads should appear. Corporate Branding agencies like Ginger Media group as they are successful agencies having a good amount of experience as they have worked on multiple projects all over India.
For Corporate Advertisement, the company needs to discuss with the agency regarding the content to be published in the advertisement. Placement of company logo, Duration of ad displayed, Content to be written on the advertisement. After finalizing all the details, the Corporate Branding agency will execute the plan discussed to build your brand as branding of Corporate is different from the branding of a product or service.
The Size and design of the Corporate Branding advertisement depend on the type of Corporate advertisement selected for Branding the Corporate Entity. The design of a corporate advertisement consists of a few elements such as the Logo, colours used, font of the message displayed, the tag lines used in the advertisement must be catchy, and other graphical elements that display the core value of the brand.
For more details contact us at or call at +91 990 247 8800.
Corporate Branding improved and aligned customer experience, improves employee communication, and conviction and builds confidence. The potential buyers are already familiar with the brand so it is easy to accept the new product launched by the company. Building a strong corporate brand is essential for investment in any business. The corporate brand is built and strengthened over time through visible, consistent actions and communications to the market.
Companies with strong corporate brands can survive marketplace missteps to a much greater extent than organizations that have not invested in building this intangible, strategic asset of Corporate Branding. Companies are reaching out to touch their consumers' lives and engage with them in meaningful ways through their corporate branding efforts.
Corporate Branding is a form of Advertisement where the brand builds its image need not necessarily produce its products individually as the brand name itself is enough to increase the sale of the product that has already created an image in the minds of the target audience. Corporate branding has a very wide scope of Branding. It is a huge platform to promote your brand.
The cost of Corporate branding ultimately changes as there are various methods of corporate advertisement like advertising on Coffee mugs used in the office, Breakout areas where employees relax, and roll-up Banner stands at receptions. Also, the cost depends on the period for how long the advertisement should be displayed. To get all the details you need to contact Corporate Branding Agencies like Ginger Media Group.
Corporate advertising is a different category of advertising altogether. It is comprised of the advertising campaigns that a company runs to signal its position in the marketplace. They have opinions about both company and the product or services. The advertisement deals with the company generally, addressing broad issues such as strategic initiatives, financial strength or corporate philosophy.
- Corporate Image Branding : Image advertising is a type of marketing that attempts to increase the acknowledgement of its importance to its competitors or improve the company's reputation. It is the type of ad that educates the public about the company's leadership and market position. Company is a primary reason a particular industry is prospering or beneficially impacting consumers.
- Event Sponsorship: Event sponsorship is a form of advertising a company brand by “sponsoring” or supporting an event financially in return the brand will be displayed at the event which increases the readership and engages the people attending the event.
- Advocacy Advertising : Advocacy Advertisement is a type of Corporate advertising that is primarily concerned with influencing public opinion on issues of importance to the company. The ad is educational, and may not even mention the company in a major way. These types of advertisements tend to give the impression that Corporation is doing a public service by bringing important concerns to the public's attention.
- Cause-related Advertising: Cause-related marketing is a company’s social responsibility policy where a for-profit business establishes a long-term relationship with a non-profit company. In this way, the former can get more profit by selling the product. On other hand, non-profit organization gets financial help.
- Investment advertising : Investment advertising is a type of marketing that is designed to attract investors. These ads appear in financial publications and other media sources that target the financial industry. It uses financial information and historical returns to understand why investment in the company is safer and more profitable than other investment options.
Corporate Advertisement Increases the value of the company’s product and service brands as the equity in the corporate brand builds over time. Let’s have a look at the benefits that a strong corporate brand offers to the different areas and stakeholders of a business. It increases expansion opportunities.
- For Human Resources : Employee behaviours are aligned to business goals for a clear understanding of who the business is and what it stands for. Corporate Branding reduced recruitment costs as the best talent seeks the business out.
- For the Corporate and Business functions: Deep alignment, cohesion, understanding and focus across the entire organisation, of who the business is, how it is different and how that difference turns up as a benefit for stakeholders daily.
- For Marketing: Corporate Branding increases acceptance of new products launched by the company, as potential buyers are already familiar with the corporate brand and its reputation. one advertising or promotional campaign can serve multiple brands, as they all sit underneath the corporate brand umbrella
- For the Community: Corporate Branding increases awareness of the benefits the organisation offers the wider community by establishing and communicating what the organisation believes in and the role it plays in the community.
- For Sales: Corporate Branding Increases customer resonance as customers have a clear understanding of business value, creating more sustainable relationships with existing customers, and providing new customers with a clear reason to choose the business.